Grapevine advertising

Publication: Your details must reach the advertising desk by 5th day of the month preceding the issue in which your entry is to be included.  If we receive it after that date it will automatically go into the following issue.  Every effort is made to complete house-to-house delivery by the first day of the month of issue.

Advert copy:  A copy of your advertisement artwork (as pdf or jpeg file), together with full payment, MUST be sent to us with this schedule to enable us to proceed.  

Artwork: For the duration of your contract the artwork will remain the same unless you advise us otherwise by the 5th of the previous month.  No responsibility for accuracy of copy is accepted by the Harleston Grapevine.

PaymentCheques, made payable to Harleston Grapevine, may be left at the Informatio Centre at 8 Exchange Street.  Alternatively payment may be paid by BACS to Sort code: 20-92-08 A/c No 00215902, using your trading name as reference.

Advertising Rates (corporate rates available at

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