Thursday 27th February January 2pm & 7.30pm
Masonic Rooms, Redenhall Road, Harleston
Starring: Anthony Hopkins, Matthew Goode
It’s the onset of WWII and Sigmund Freud, who is nearing the end of his life, invites the celebrated Christian author C S Lewis for a debate over the existence of God. Exploring Freud's unique relationship with his lesbian daughter Anna, and Lewis' unconventional romance with his best friend's mother (Orla Brady), the film interweaves past, present and fantasy, opening out from the confines of Freud's study on a dynamic journey.
Seats are £5, under 16s £2.50, please book at Harleston Information Plus in Exchange Street, Harleston or call 01379 851917
Please cancel at HIP if you are unable to attend.
Cash only. Ice creams at the intervals, bar also available for the evening screening.
Walk-ins will be accommodated if possible but if fully pre-booked, regrettably we will have to turn away. Please be aware – if you see tickets for sale on social media, this is a scam; tickets are only sold at the venue on the night.
All required Covid measures will be taken, in accordance with current guidelines. The hall has a new air monitoring and circulation system.
Certificate 12A, under 16s must be accompanied by an adult.
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